Microstrategy case statement null
3 May 2017 Now—a virtual, interactive MicroStrategy conference. then clause in the fact formula, so that if the first statement meets the requirement, metric is calculated , if not, ApplySimple(“Case when #0>0 then #1 else
CAUSE: Both manual and automatic mapping methods will display the tables containing the two columns used in the THEN statement of the condition and will filter out those tables containing only one of the two columns. CASE WHEN B. [STAT] IS NULL THEN (C. [EVENT DATE]+10) -- Type DATETIME ELSE '-' -- Type VARCHAR END AS 15.11.2020 You need to select one type or the other for the field, the field type can't vary by row. The simplest is to remove the ELSE '-' and let it implicitly get the value NULL instead for the second case.
The Null Values subcategory allows you to display a specified value in place of null or missing values on a report. Often you would rather see a zero or the word NULL instead of a blank cell. You can replace nulls in the display of the final report (the Null display settings) or in the calculation of the report (the Aggregation null values). See full list on doc-archives.microstrategy.com Jun 12, 2017 · The CASE statement is an alternative implementation in Structured Query Language (SQL) of the 'if..then..else' logic that is common to all programming languages.
NULL does not equal anything. The case statement is basically saying when the value = NULL .. it will never hit. ***There are also several system stored procedures that are written incorrectly with your syntax. See sp_addpullsubscription_agent and sp_who2.
it will never hit. ***There are also several system stored procedures that are written incorrectly with your syntax. See sp_addpullsubscription_agent and sp_who2. Null value replacements are specified in MicroStrategy Developer.
For the facts, we will add the following fields to the SELECT part of the query: CASE WHEN RECORD_END_DATE = ‘12/31/9999′ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as ACTIVE AND CASE WHEN EMPLOYEE_END_DATE is not null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as TERMINATED. The Final Logical table will look as follows, and now we have a new fact table.
Field Name is called 'Group' There are certain 'Group' names that I want to put in a certain category using the CASE logic. Once you have defined how MicroStrategy hides null and zero metric values in the grid, you can quickly show or hide nulls and zeros using the Hide Nulls/Zeros option in the Data menu, as described below, or by clicking the Hide Nulls/Zerosicon in the Data toolbar. MicroStrategy parser doesnt recognize NULL as a key word for null value.
Dec 09, 2003
Number of Customers: This derived metric displays the count of customers.The expression used to define the derived metric is Count
Formatting null values and blank cells. An empty cell of data on a grid report represents a null value. A null value is an unknown value, because it can be the result of an empty area of your data source, or the result of the calculations and cross-tabbing that are sometimes performed on a grid report. Hi All, I am having problems with the following SELECT CASE statement when trying to handle NULL values. In the following select SELECT st3.description , CASE st3.description WHEN NULL THEN 'I am Null' ELSE 'This is else' END AS Expr2 , ISNULL(st3.description, 'Null Value') AS Expr3 FRO · Here is the proper syntax for cheking a NULL value in a CASE ApplySimple(“Case when [Field Header Name]='CONDITION1’ then 'condition1 example' end”,String1) What I've found online is a little misleading and wondering if anyone can assist.
From the Datamenu, select Report Data Options. ApplySimple (" CASE WHEN #0 between 0 and 100000 THEN 'Low' WHEN #0 between 100001 and 200000 THEN 'Med' ELSE 'High' END ", Sum (Revenue){~}) Example 5 Rounding You can use the ApplySimple function in a metric definition to round off the resulting values to a certain number of decimal places. The CASE statement is an alternative implementation in Structured Query Language (SQL) of the 'if..then..else' logic that is common to all programming languages. The CASE statement has a range of applicability across a wide range of databases including versions of ORACLE later than 8i (8.1.5). ApplySimple(“Case when [Field Header Name]='CONDITION1’ then 'condition1 example' end”,String1) What I've found online is a little misleading and wondering if anyone can assist. Field Name is called 'Group' There are certain 'Group' names that I want to put in a certain category using the CASE logic. Once you have defined how MicroStrategy hides null and zero metric values in the grid, you can quickly show or hide nulls and zeros using the Hide Nulls/Zeros option in the Data menu, as described below, or by clicking the Hide Nulls/Zerosicon in the Data toolbar.
My question here is, how to incorporate this in a SELECT statement that has CASE expression. In case of multi-pass reports all passes for a MicroStrategy job are typically submitted in its own (or “a single”) database session that can be traced in the SQL DW statement execution statistics. 'StatisticsFailedSQLs.log' file is a text file that captures the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that are issued against the statistics database. This file is only generated in case of a failure where the Statistics Manager component within MicroStrategy Intelligence Server fails to write to the statistics database. Continue.
The Display - Null Values tab opens. Under Aggregation null values, clear Use Default. Replace “--” with the symbol you want to use for null values, for example, 00, null, blank, and so on. Jun 06, 2019 Sign In. By signing in, you are agreeing to abide by our terms of use.. New to MicroStrategy? Create Account. Employees click herehere Jul 31, 2018 I want to create a new Metric, using MicroStrategy Metric Editor, to check two conditions: 1 is progress_days > complete_date 2 is Status column is = In Progress if both conditions are met, then Red, else Green.
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Answer: Oracle CASE SQL allows you to add "Boolean logic" and branching using the decode and CASE clauses. The case statement is a more flexible extension of the Decode statement. In its simplest form the Oracle CASE function is used to return a value when a match is found, it it's trickier to handle a NULL condition from a subquery.
By signing in or using MicroStrategy software products or services, you are agreeing to abide by our terms of use and, if applicable, Clickwrap software In MicroStrategy SQL Generation Engine 8.x, the VLDB property "Preserve all final pass result elements" is designed for the case in which data elements exist in a fact table that are missing from an attribute's lookup table. MicroStrategy is meeting its customers’ needs for elasticity by delivering the platform on AWS. “MicroStrategy is a platform designed to scale on AWS,” says Anand. “The biggest enterprises can easily draw insights from the largest data assets without any compromise and be successful from an analytics standpoint. Multiple criteria for the case statement: Select case when a=1 and b=0 THEN 'True' when a=1 and b=1 then 'Trueish' when a=0 and b=0 then 'False' when a=0 and b=1 then 'Falseish' else null end AS Result FROM tableName Nesting case statements: Jan 21, 2021 · The parameters Statement_1, Statement_2… denote the Statements which will be executed if Case_Expression = Value_1, Case_Expression = Value_2, … and so on. In a nutshell, the condition is whether Case_Expression = Value_N and ACTION is the execution of Statement_N if the above result is TRUE .