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Nov 28, 2020 · The War of Austrian Succession begins in Europe. The colonists will officially join the fight in 1743. James Oglethorpe of the Georgia colony leads troops along with Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Creek Indians to capture two forts from the Spanish in Florida.

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But they were a pretty skinny bunch, as colonies go. Date: 1700 Map Tabula Mexicae et Floridae : terrarum Anglicarum, et anteriorum Americae insularum, item cursuum et circuituum fluminis Mississipi dicti.

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1:17,000. This webpage contains a directory of links to online transcriptions of passenger lists and other material for immigrants to Pennsylvania for the period prior to the lists in Pennsylvania German Pioneers (which covers 1727-1808).

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Slave importation to the coastal states of the South grew rapidly during the late seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth century because of the growth of the tobacco and rice economies. Value of $1,700 from 1938 to 2021 $1,700 in 1938 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $31,538.26 today, an increase of $29,838.26 over 83 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.58% per year between 1938 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 1,755.19%. Value of $1,000 from 1850 to 2021 $1,000 in 1850 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $33,536.15 today, an increase of $32,536.15 over 171 years.

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Makroekonomické ukazovatele, inflácia, HDP, úroveň nezamestnanosti, príjmy a výdavky štátneho rozpočtu a iné ekonomické indikátory za zvolené obdobie.

Reálne mzdy [po očistení o infláciu] Slovákov vlani vzrástli vďaka nominálnemu rastu miezd a stagnujúcim cenám. Středeční seanci index Dow Jones uzavřel růstem se ziskem 0,38%. Dolar na páru s eurem oslaboval o 0,26% a dostal se k úrovni 1,2193 USD/EUR. Inflácia je makroekonomický ja v prejavujúci sa dlhodobým rastom cenovej hladiny tovarov a služieb a znižovaním kúpnej sily peňazí. Znamená to, že hodnota peňazí postupne trvalo klesá a tým pádom sa znižuje množstvo tovarov a služieb, ktoré si môžeme za finančnú jednotku kúpiť.